Motorway Driving
What is Pass Plus?
Pass Plus is a scheme for new and inexperienced drivers backed by the Government's Driving &Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and certain insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company if they are part of the Pass Plus scheme before booking your course. However it is still worth doing the course even if you don't qualify for a discount. Your life cannot have a price!!
It has been proven that within the first 2 years of passing a driving test you are more likely to have an accident then any other time in your driving career. This is why the scheme has been developed. The main aim of this course is to promote positive driving, to get you away from the "driving like a learner" stereotype. You can take the course at any time within the first 12 months of passing your test.
What is the cost?
The cost of the Pass Plus course can be found by clicking this link here.
You will cover a given module set out as standard by the DVSA, there are 6 modules covering 6 elements and will last at least 6 hours covering somewhere in the region of 160-200 miles. These modules may be done in one day or can be broken down into at least 1 hour modules. Your driving will be continually assessed and you must successfully complete all the modules in the course to an achieved or exceeded standard:
Achieved – successfully reached the standard required for each of the competencies.
Exceeded – exceeded the required standard for each of the competencies.
In exceptional circumstances, if a module can't be done on the road it will be covered in a theory session. The highest level you can reach is 'achieved' as you've not been able to demonstrate the relevant practical skills (these are normally adverse weather condition modules or perhaps night driving in the summer months as it's not possible at 11 o'clock at night). Each module is at least 1 hr long.
Motorway Driving
Night Driving
Dual Carriageway
All Weather Driving
Town Driving Part 2
Rural Road Driving
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