Another update saw the driving test change on 4th December 2017. Below are the new set of questions which you will be asked from this date. There are also two video's which you will find useful to watch.
The 'Show Me Tell Me' questions require you to explain to your driving test examiner where and how to check tyres, brakes, fluid levels, lights, direction indicators, head restraint, operation of windscreen washers, window demisters, fog lights, power steering, window operation and horn.
The Tell Me question will be asked at the test centre before you go for your drive and the Show Me question will be asked on the move whilst on your test.
You will be asked two questions, one 'show me' and one 'tell me' question. One or both questions answered incorrectly will result in one driving fault being recorded (a minor as you may know it). However if you refuse to complete the Show Me question this will result in a fail for the test. If you have forgotten how to operate for example the demister on the move the examiner will pull you over and explain how to do it, they will then ask you to pull away and complete the question. If you then forget again but attempt to do it or operate the window instead of the demister you will then be marked a minor because at least you attempted to do it.
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